Shredded mango & halloumi salad

This ladies and gents is a 10/10 salad.
It’s sweet, sour, spicy and crunchy with a slight saltiness from the halloumi.
It’s the kind of dish that’ll transport you to warmer climates, through your tastebuds obviously because teleportation still hasn’t bee convincingly invented. If it was, I’d fully endorse teleporting to Thailand whilst enjoying the flavours of this delicious recipe.
Trust me, this salad is very good, you’ll keep going back for more.

Shredded mango, cashew & halloumi salad.JPG

Ingredients for 4:

1 unripe (hard) mango
1 sweetheart cabbage
1/2 red onion
a bunch of coriander
2 tomatoes
1 red chilli
2 blocks of halloumi, cubed
120g of cashews
sea salt and black pepper to season
rapeseed oil for cooking

For the dressing:
1 tablespoon of Kikkoman tamari
juice of 1 lime
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of fish sauce (optional)
2 teaspoons of maple syrup

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Pop the cashews on an ovenproof dish and roast until lightly golden, around 10 minutes.
Put a frying pan on a high heat with a splash of rapeseed oil. Add the halloumi cubes and cook until coloured all around. Set aside to cool slightly.
Finely shred the cabbage and onion. Finely slice the tomatoes and chilli.
Peel the mango then slice it into matchsticks.
Pick the leaves off the coriander.
Put all of the sliced/ shredded ingredients and the coriander leaves into a large bowl and season well with sea salt and black pepper. Stir to mix it.
To make the dressing, whisk all of the ingredients together in a small bowl.
Pour the dressing over the salad, stir it and divide it between plates.
Top with cashews and halloumi to serve.