This recipe is a frugal but delicious combination of whatever veg you have hanging around in the fridge, chopped up small, cooked with some herbs, flavoured with a stock cube and butter and topped with poached eggs.
It saves any veggies going to waste, even if they are past their best and is mega cheap to make.
Warm puy lentil salad, baked feta
I’m fond of recipes that need little attention and this is definitely one of those.
Just roast a few veggies, mix it with a pack of pre-cooked puy lentils (or cook your own for extra earth-saving kudos points), dress and top with baked feta.
Chicken paprika with orzo
Comfort food Transylvanian (/Hungarian) style.
Paprika is the star of the show, giving this mild creamy dish a sweet, warming flavour.
Serve it with orzo or rice, add lots of spinach for feel-good value and sprinkle a generous amount of parsley on top.
Nutrients for immunity
Amid the chaos of the coronavirus, the overarching nutritional message has consistently been to strengthen one’s internal defences.
When it comes to any form of infection, ultimately it’s the immune system that will have to do work of destroying it and cleaning up the internal aftermath.
So without further ado, I bring you the main nutrients for immunity.
Roast veg & sundried tomato pasta
Perfect for using up leftover veggies and to add extra nutrients, this roasted veg and sundried tomato pasta dish is the kind that’s easy to make and almost impossible to get wrong.
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